Best Practice: The Advice Blog from Payton Marketing Ltd
Social Media for B2B
The Real

Build your credibility, don't try to be funny
… and never, EVER, share pictures of birthday cakes.
B2B SOCIAL MEDIA is not about ‘fun’ posts and ‘wow’ pics. And B2B social media is not a great introduction into marketing for a young and inexperienced newcomer who ‘gets’ Facebook.
Because promoting your company takes hard work and serious planning from someone who understands what your business needs, whether that’s from Twitter or from traditional direct mail.
If you want to influence the decision-makers in your industry (and you do) you have to say the things they’re thinking but in ways they haven’t come across before. Agency types call it ‘content marketing’, but if you’re just interested in straightforward business communications it’s about saying things that are relevant, interesting, relevant, thought-provoking, and relevant. And RELEVANT.
Because when you position your company as thought-leaders you create the credibility that may get you on the next shortlist, or even just get them to accept your call. But if you share content that’s not relevant to their business they may start ignoring your posts, or worse, block them and never hear from you again.
If you want to share other peoples’ posts (it’s good for building relationships), then go ahead but still be careful, and always have one eye on the decision-makers you want to influence. Does the post advance your business goals or does it damage your credibility? Weigh it up, think about it, take a moment to ponder, and only hit ‘share’ or ‘like’ if you’re confident it will do your business some good.
But what if you want to share jokes and amusing pictures because you think you’re really funny? Take it from me, you’re not, so don’t! People follow Jimmy Carr if they want a laugh. You’re not Jimmy Carr. What you and your mates think is hilarious will portray unprofessionalism to your decision-makers. They’re more likely to stop your updates than buy from you as a result of the latest ‘cat on the piano’ video or motivational bon-mot.
Your digital agency may try selling you a social media ‘persona’, maybe a comic avatar having adventures related to your products. There’s lots of them about, but can you name one? Me neither. They’re always rubbish. And expensive. And they take your time, effort and budget away from things that could actually start making your business some money.
But I’m not saying Social Media is a waste of time in B2B. It can do good things like build your credibility, generate good will, spread your name, advertise your offers and more. Done well it’s a useful tool in your marketing mix, and while the actual platforms that work for different industries will vary, a useful rule of thumb for B2B may be something like: ‘LinkedIn good, Twitter ok, Facebook pointless’.
And another thing (yes, this is a bit of a rant), don’t give social media to the youngest, least experienced member of the team. It’s tempting, because they ‘get’ social media and you really don’t have the time, but this a recipe for off-brand, ill-conceived, unprofessional marketing disasters. In every other walk of marketing life you make sure every word coming from the company is checked, double-checked, signed-off then checked again. Social media often seems to get away without the manager even reading it, yet it’s being done by junior team members. Or worse, by the Sales Team (but that’s a different rant altogether). Social media needs to be planned and written by senior players who understand the rules of marketing – tone of voice, USPs, segmentation, copy-writing, strategy and tactics. You, probably. You understand all that stuff, you need to do it. Stop offloading it right now and start getting it right!
Cakes! I was going to talk about cakes. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen pictures of birthday cakes shared because it shows what a fun place it is to work. This is genuinely not interesting to anyone, not even your own staff. I decided the only way to deal with it was to unfollow anyone who sent a picture of a cake to my Social Media feeds.
17 and rising, if you want to know.
About Payton Marketing Ltd
Payton Marketing Ltd is led by Michael Payton, a business consultant and senior marketing practitioner who can help you deliver more from all your marketing activities – from building your brand to developing your social media.
With an outstanding record and a hands-on approach, Payton Marketing Ltd can turn your business strategy into deliverable marketing plans and tactics.
Backed by an MBA and membership of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Michael Payton provides a credible resource for your company whether you need freelance marketing leadership, project delivery or short-term consultancy.
Payton Marketing Ltd provides a flexible and cost-effective marketing solution, working either alongside your colleagues or discreetly off-site. Contact us to discuss your needs.
To discuss any aspect of your marketing or communications needs, call Payton Marketing Ltd on 07764 959 030 or contact us here.